Music Audition

    Student Biographical Information
    Birthdate *
    Birthdate *
    Student Contact Information
    Mailing Address *
    Mailing Address *
    Music-Related Experience
    Please list all instruments/voice that you have studied. *
    Example: Violin   /   5   /   Both
    Please list your ensemble experience (high school, college, and/or community).
    Example: NYSSMA   /  Regional/All State Chorus  /   Tenor II
    What is your music theory experience? Choose all that apply. *
    What is your music theory experience? Choose all that apply. *
    Audition Information
    Degree Sought *
    Degree Sought *
    Solo repertoire, etudes, and relevant technical exercises studied in the past year *
    Example: Sonata for Piano, Op. 10, No. 1 (complete)   /   Beethoven
    Audition Guidelines
    Instrumentalists: Select three contrasting works from at least two historical periods.
    Vocalists: Select three contrasting works from at least two historical periods. Of those, two should be in a foreign language.

    Audition repertoire *
    If needed, we will provide an accompanist free of charge. Please email (PDF), fax, or mail a copy of your music for the accompanist at least three weeks in advance of your audition.
    -  Email:
    -  Fax: (607) 431-4813
    -  Mail: Hartwick College Department of Music, Anderson 212, Attn. Brooke Chilson, P.O. Box 4022, Oneonta, NY 13820
    Audition Date Information
    Our on-campus Audition Days are:
    - November 11, 2024
    - February 8, 2025
    - March 29, 2025

    You may also choose other days for a private audition. Please provide three dates on which you would like to audition, in order of preference. Once we receive this form, we will contact you to confirm your audition date and time. *
    Date - First Choice
    Date - First Choice
    Date - Second Choice
    Date - Second Choice
    Date - Third Choice
    Date - Third Choice
    Additional Information
    Following your audition, the faculty will make any scholarship recommendations to the Office of Financial Aid. Those recommendations are incorporated into student aid packages.
    For more information, contact Brooke Chilson, Office Manager, Department of Music, (607) 431-4800,